Frosty's Comms!

Greetings and welcome, thank you so much for your interest!
Bascially, Taiwanese non-binary (They/He/It/Xe) freelancer who enjoys drawing many different things. I enjoy bringing people's visions/ideas to life.
English is my first language, but I can more or less communicate in French and Traditional Chinese as well.
I don't know what else to say so I'll just tell you my motto is "I must bullshizz to survive."
Commission queue can be viewed in my Trello, which is linked in this carrd.

terms of service

By placing a commission with me, it indicates you have read through the full Terms of Service.
If there are other concerns even after reading the ToS, please feel free to direct message me.

  • Please notify me first should you wish to keep your commission private or anonymous upon posting.

  • Related to the above point, unless specified otherwise, the piece will be used should commission examples need to be shown.

  • Commission queue can be viewed in Trello.

  • Please only start asking me about the commission progress one week after I notified about starting the commission.

  • Payments done through PayPal or Ko-Fi. Please inform me which method is preferred.

  • Upfront payment expected (unless stated otherwise). Only other exceptions are for regular clients I have trust in (worked with 5 times minimum or known personally) and for commissions which are $100+.

  • All prices are in USD.

  • If you need the commission done within a timeframe with a viable reason (eg. birthday gift), please give me at least 3 weeks working time before deadline. Failure to complete the artwork within the deadline is eligible for a full refund.

  • All products will be delivered digitally (high-res file with no watermark via e-mail).

  • I have the right to refuse any commissions.

  • Customer has the right to five major revisions maximum in the sketching and refined sketch phase.

  • Customer has the right to reasonable amounts of minor edits after completion (eg. eye-colour change).

  • Customer can ask for a refund on orders with no progress, or when there has been insufficient communication from me after two months.

  • Products cannot be used for commercial use and must provide appropriate credit if reposted (please credit at least once if reposting multiple times) or shown in public in any other ways (eg. profile picture, banner).

  • I can cancel and refund any order at any time (full refund by refined sketch stage, half by flat colours).

  • Customers do not hold the right to use the product for cryptocurrency, NFTs, be fed to generative AI, etc. (Customer doesn't have the right to use the product for AI datasets or for AI tools and any present or future inventions in the space.)

  • Overly disrespectful attitude/behaviours will not be tolerated. The commission shall be refunded according to the process and the customer will be blacklisted on my commission list.

Can Do

  • Ships (oc x canon, selfships, canon x canon, oc x oc, OT3s, etc.)

  • Humans, humanoids

  • Furries

  • Animals/Ferals

  • Monsters/Non-humans

  • Mechas (Robots)

  • Blood/Gore/Body Horror (realistic or 'candy'/'neon')

  • Suggestive art (eg. swimsuits, skimpy outfits)

  • NSFW

  • Two-part sequences (should more sequences be desired, comic-styled commissions are recommended)

  • Custom designs (costs extra fees starting from $5) (required to have image refs unless specified (eg.artist given creative freedom)). But if that's the case, it would be $15 added fee instead of $5 for the designs)

Can't Do:

  • Overly-complex backgrounds/designs

  • IRL people

  • Certain fetishes (can ask) (For informational purposes, my main expertise is transfur/transformation, but I have drawn inflation before as well.)

  • Offensive medias/depictions, hate art

  • Illegal subjects. Includes incest, pedophilia, zoophilia (includes NSFW of ferals), necrophilia, etc.

  • Underage characters and characters by minors or creators who've stated they don't allow NSFW works of them

  • For transfurs/transformation, creatures from franchises (eg. Pokemon, Digimon)

  • Anything else I'm uncomfortable with

'Usual' Style

(All examples shown are actual commissions I have done for others in the past and have the resolution reduced significantly to fit the carrd.)
As the name suggests, this is the style I tend to draw in.
Extra characters (including for sequences) are $5 cheaper each.
Additional details and backgrounds will start with $5 added price.
Chibis are half the original price.
If the customer allows me to be experimental with their commission, there would be a $10 discount.

Refined Sketch$25
Flats and more Clean-up$40
Full Render$55
Refined Sketch$30
Flats and more Clean-up$45
Full Render$60
Refined Sketch$35
Flats and more Clean-up$50
Full Render$65

Comic Pages

I turn whichever scenarios you want into comic pages!
All comic pages are A4 in size and have very basic shading. The 'flats' style has some simple additional effects added.
For shading with black fills, you could choose the colour you would like the shading to be. Otherwise, I would choose it. There would also be one type of tone added.
I go with left to right as the default reading direction (Western comic style) but if you would like me to do right to left (most mangas) then please specify in advance.
The number of panels are minimum 3 and maximum 8 for each page.
Each extra page is $20 cheaper (eg. Three pages of shading and black fills would be $320 ($120 + $100 + $100)).

Shading and Black fills$120